Monday, September 2, 2013

Thing #2 Experience creating blog/avatar

As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, I have some experience on Blogger because we were required to have one in a class in undergrad.  As far as reading blogs goes, other than reading the few posts of my other classmates during that single class in undergrad, I don't keep up with any blogs.

I find Blogger to be very user friendly but since I'm a bit of perfectionist I spent far more time setting it up than need be. I am also fairly certain that I'll go back hundreds of times and change pretty much every aspect of my blog.  I'll probably in the end, if time warrants it, customize the entirety of my blog.
I'm big with personalizing things which is why I don't want to just merely use a pre designed template but would rather upload my own background and choose my own fonts and colors.

For the title of my blog I decided on "23,000 steps to learning the 23 things" because I am quickly realizing that each post requires NUMEROUS steps.  We aren't just doing 23 things as the title of the learning activity suggests, but are rather being taken on a kind of technological learning journey.

After I decided upon a title I moved to creating an avatar.  The perfectionist in me of course took over and I ended up spending FOREVER creating my avatar.  I decided to create my avatar in as close of a resemblance to myself as possible, which isn't easy considering the limited design options I was given.   Since the blog is in a way my own form of personal expression, I of course wanted my avatar to look like me. The facial expression I chose for my avatar is probably the most interesting, since I chose the bug eyed, open mouthed, surprised expression.  I guess I chose this one because I am known for quirky facial expressions and I found this one to embody quirkiness the best.

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