Saturday, September 14, 2013

Thing #16 Getting Organized

I chose Symbaloo as my start page because I was already introduced to it in a previous class and really liked it! Symbaloo reminds me of the apps on my iPad and iPhone because they are colorful and very easy to use.  Unlike other bookmarking sites symbaloo is great for all ages because children can identify the site they wish to go on by just the icon!One of the professors I work for as a graduate assistant required all her students to create a symbaloo at the start of the year so they could easily access all the sites that they would need throughout the semester.  For my Symbaloo I dedicated the top left corner for academic sites that I will need for school and the top right for sites I go to for fun.Although I like Symbaloo I doubt I'll use it as my permanent home page because I don't go on very many sites on the internet.  I struggled to even come up with some to add to my Symbaloo...
My symbaloo!
I've never kept a digital calendar,  I'm more old fashioned and just write in one that I keep on my fridge. I prefer this method because my calendar is right where I can see it and I don't have to get on my computer to see my schedule for the day or the week.  I used google to create my calendar since I already have an account and their other services like google drive and photos were all very easy to use.  Google calender was no different! :)

my calendar for the week!
Lastly I chose to explore PDF converter because I have had trouble in the past where files I saved on my home computer could not be opened up on the ones at school. PDF converter is definitely a site I can see myself using in the future!

I recommend that people who are big internet users and access tons of sites each day try Symbaloo.  It truly is a great way to stay organized and is extremely user friendly!

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